

Vanessa Lim, Founder of Oripure

After watching her farther-in-law receive insulin injections for almost 30 years due to being a type-II diabetic patient even though he controls his blood sugar well, Vanessa tried to find natural alternatives to help him with his condition.
She discovered that Bentong ginger is a good anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial natural ingredient that provides many health benefits and is great for helping with diabetic condition, however she also found that most of the ginger product items in the market are made with various types of sugar which is highly unsuitable for diabetic patients.

Determined to produce a worthy product out of this amazing ingredient, Vanessa started her journey towards developing Oripure Ginger Paste. It took 6 years of research, countless trials and constant sourcing of various ingredients to produce the first generation of Oripure Ginger paste which has been continuously improved to date. 

Today, Oripure Ginger Paste proudly helps countless people with all types of conditions and different health issues with plenty of successful testimonials.

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